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2/15/2008 - Jackson, Miss. and Washington, D.C.

America Reads-Mississippi (ARM), the largest AmeriCorps Program in the state, has been named Lead Agency for the fourth year in a row to coordinate service projects for Global Youth Service Day (GYSD).

In support of this effort, State Farm Companies Foundation, the main sponsor of GYSD 2008, is making a substantial commitment to the Lead Agency Program. Susan Lamey, Public Affairs Specialist for State Farm Insurance, will make a $2,000 planning grant check presentation to America Reads-Mississippi on Monday, February 18, 2008, 9:00 a.m. at the George Elementary School Auditorium, 1020 Hunter Street, Jackson, MS. “America Reads- Mississippi (ARM) is privileged to be selected a fourth time as a lead agency for the state of Mississippi for GYSD,” said Nikitna Barnes, ARM State Special Projects Coordinator and GYSD coordinator for Mississippi.

ARM will mobilize more than 5,000 young people throughout the state to participate in the 19th Annual Global Youth Service Day, April 25 - 27, 2008. ARM AmeriCorps members have organized and conducted Junior Citizenship Corps Clubs (JCCC), comprised of 2,000 students who are engaged in service learning, initiate and conduct community-based emergency preparedness workshops, and coordinate volunteer recruitment activities. ARM GYSD statewide activities will involve approximately 3,000 additional youth across the state.

Global Youth Service Day is the largest service event in the world that mobilizes young people to identify and address community needs through service. GYSD supports youth on a life-long path of service and civic engagement, and educates the public about the role of youth as leaders and community assets.

America Reads-Mississippi is dedicated to improving the reading skills of students, encouraging public awareness and support of literacy, and helping to increase the number of certified teachers in Mississippi. Visit www.americareadsms.org for additional information about the ARM AmeriCorps program or contact Nikitna Barnes, Special Projects Coordinator.

Youth Service America (YSA) is a national resource center that partners with thousands of organizations committed to increasing the quality and quantity of volunteer opportunities for young people, ages 5-25, to serve locally, nationally, and globally. Founded in 1986, YSA’s mission is to expand the impact of the youth service movement with communities, schools, corporations, and governments. YSA envisions a global culture of engaged youth who are committed to a lifetime of service, learning, leadership, and achievement. For more information, visit http://www.YSA.org. YSA also hosts SERVEnet (www.SERVEnet.org), providing the largest database of volunteer opportunities in America. For more information, visit: www.YSA.org.


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