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1/29/2020 - Jackson, Miss.

WHO: The agencies and organizations housed in the Education and Research Center of Mississippi
WHAT: Provide a comprehensive health fair for all employees
WHEN: Thursday, January 30, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Mississippi Library Commission, 3881 Eastwood Drive in Jackson
ACTIVITIES: Various health screenings provided by University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing, School of Ophthalmology, Dental School and Physical Therapy Department; an opportunity to donate blood with Mississippi Blood Services, and more than 40 informational booths on health, wellness, nutrition, and fitness.
CO-HOSTS: C3 Wellness Center, Jackson State University (R&D Center), Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy, Mississippi Community College Board, Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, Mississippi Library Commission, Mississippi Public Broadcasting


The Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning governs the public universities in Mississippi, including Alcorn State University; Delta State University; Jackson State University; Mississippi State University including the Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine; Mississippi University for Women; Mississippi Valley State University; the University of Mississippi including the University of Mississippi Medical Center; and the University of Southern Mississippi.

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