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2/12/2014 - Jackson, Miss.

Members of the Board Search Committee appointed by College Board President Aubrey Patterson to lead the search for the next president of Alcorn State University will hear from constituency groups in Campus Listening Sessions on Wednesday, February 19. The discussions will center on the qualities and qualifications stakeholders believe the next institutional executive officer should possess.

The Campus Listening Sessions will be held in the Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Hall on the Alcorn State University campus in Lorman. While all sessions are open to the public, each session focuses on the needs of a specific constituency group.

Alcorn State University
Listening Sessions Schedule
Wednesday, February 19, 2014




9:00 a.m.

Faculty, Staff & Administration*

Gold Room

9:45 a.m.


Gold Room

10:30 a.m.

Alumni, Foundation & Community*

Gold Room

11:30 a.m.

Community Leaders Luncheon

Faculty Dining Room

*Webcast sessions

The webcast will be shown on a large screen in the Graduate School of Business Auditorium on the Natchez Campus of Alcorn State University. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members are invited to attend. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide comments via teleconference with the Lorman Campus.

Chaired by Trustee C.D. Smith, the Board Search Committee includes Trustees Ed Blakeslee, Bob Owens and Robin Robinson.

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The Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning governs the public universities in Mississippi, including Alcorn State University; Delta State University; Jackson State University; Mississippi State University including the Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine; Mississippi University for Women; Mississippi Valley State University; the University of Mississippi including the University of Mississippi Medical Center; and the University of Southern Mississippi.

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